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Wednesday 13 November 2013

Easily Earn 500 $ per Month

Let‟s go!
Do not have any money? Do not worry, you do not need any penny to start!

1. Create account here:

2. Fill the boxes with your real personal information as in the picture below

3. You are now logged to your account.
How will you earn money with Bubblews?


It is simple. Bubblews pays for every unique view, like, dislike, comment and social site share of your posts.
Okay fine. But, how to post?

After clicking Submit, something like this should appear:

The most important part: your post.
To gain the most traffic, the title must be catchy, as well as the picture which will be shown near the title. These are the most important things to get views.
As I said before, Bubbews also pays for likes and comments, so the content must be interesting and unique.
Remember that the post MUST CONTAIN MORE THAN 400 CHARACTERS!
Moreover it can not be pornography etc.
Now you probably wonder: Oh my god, 400 characters minimum??
Well, you do not have to write everything by yourself.


Finding materials:
1. Category

As you can you see, you can post almost anything what is interesting or eye catching.
How to find a material for post? First choose the catergory. For example I will choose now “Crime” category. Now type in Google: “brutal murder”.

Remember that you can not just copy – paste articles, because Bubblews might not pay you for copied posts.

So now what the twist is that you can make same posts look different by a putting it through a tool.

The complete tutorial on how to make your same post of google look unique here is the link:

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