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Monday 18 November 2013

Getting Source Code from an APK file : Android

Just follow the steps mentioned below to decode a mystic .apk file into plain java code.
1.Create a new folder. Name it “SourceCode”(or as you wish). Put your apk file there.
2.Download the file “ApkToJava.rar” from the right hand side of my blog. Extract everything in your SourceCode folder.
3.Edit the extension of your apk file and change it to “zip”. Extract this folder.You can see a file named “classes.dex”.
4.Now from command prompt browse to the folder “dex2jar-″ in the source code folder. Type the following command:
dex2jar ..\classes.dex
You can see a file named “classes_dex2jar.jar” is created  in your SourceCode folder
5.Now from  ”Java_decompiler” folder open jd-gui.exe application. Using this application open the file “classes_dex2jar.jar”. You can see all the java codes of the .class files.
6.At this point you can’t view the xml files. To view those follow the step 7 to end.
7.Paste a fresh copy of you .apk file in the SourceCode folder.
From cmd browse to the source code folder. Type the command
: >apktool if framework-res.apk
Hit Enter . Again type:
:>apktool d “name_of_Your_fike”.apk
8.A new folder will be generated with your apk file name.In that directory you’ll be able to browse the .xml file.

Good luck with your code hunt!

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