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Monday 18 November 2013

YouTube Trick You Probably Don`t Know

Specific Start Time

If you want to share just a certain portion of a video with a user, you’ll notice that there is no official option to do this. Normally you have to inform others which minute they can pull to start from. Bet you didn’t know that there is a handy hack to send a link to a user or embed a certain portion of the YouTube video in your website. Skip the fluff and get to the good stuff. Here is how it works.
Consider the following Youtube Video URL: v=2LHv1FPd1Ec
After the URL link add #t=01m08s to set the starting point of the video at 1 minute and 8 seconds.
To embed a portion of a YouTube video the process goes the same way.
You simply have to add #t=01m08s to the embed code you get from the original video and paste it to your website. Once a user plays the video, it will automatically start from the point you have specified in the embed code.

Auto Video Replay

There are certain times when you get obsessed with a Youtube video, whether it’s a really catchy song or a funny video. Isn’t it annoying to always have to hit replay everytime you near the end? Why not activate the looping feature? The what now? Let’s use the same YouTube video.
Just replace youtube with the text infinitelooper in the URL and hit enter.It will redirect you to another YouTube third- party platform where you are also provided with the option of looping selected portions of the video.

Accurate Keyword Searching 

There are a bajillion videos on Youtube so trying to find that specific Youtube video you want to watch is an adventure by itself. You might find yourself crawling through dozens of pages hoping to land the video you actually want to watch. The solution for this time-consuming exercise is to add allintitle: before the keywords you are search for. What it does is basically provide you with only videos that include the chosen keywords.

Speed Checker
The most important race in the world is the red bar and the grey bar. Youtubers know what I am talking about. You can actually check the loading speeds of the video (if it makes you feel better, you know, knowing if the problem is with your connection, or the blasted video) by adding my_speed next to the address of YouTube Home Page. If you can’t remember the URL extension, right click on any video and head to ‘Take speed test’.

Download Any Video

As any video production student knows, there are plenty of reasons to download a video that don't involve copyright infringement for fun and profit. If you want to get a local copy of a YouTube video, can help. Just add pwn to the URL before youtube and you'll be taken to an external site with multiple options for download formats.
With this, the following URL:

Would now be:

Bypass Regional Restrictions

Licensing for videos is complicated enough already. If you're looking to get to a video that has some form of restriction on it, change the format of the video link from this:


To this: /v/IEIWdEDFlQY

The downside is the video will play filling the entire window. The upside is it will play.

Jump to a Specific Time

If you need to point someone to a certain portion of a video, you can always right click on the player and select & Copy video URL at current time. However, if you need to be especially specific, you can modify the end variable that follows T=x .where X is the number of seconds into the video that you want the player to start at. So the good part isn't here:

It's here:

Repeat All or Part of a Video

We all have that one song that we just can't hear enough of. If you need to playback a video automatically, you can add the word repeater after youtube in the URL to open it in an external site that will play it back as often as you let it. You can also set it to play back just part of the video. So:


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